Monday, May 17, 2010

What flowers are in bloom in your garden?

Daffodils are all out right now, with a few struggling crocus'. Funnily enough, I was just thinking of going out for my first attack on the garden this year!

What flowers are in bloom in your garden?
Hellibours most commonly known as the Christmas rose are still flowering for me. Report It

Reply:All my springs flowers Im in s calif. And my peace lily
Reply:Devon U.K.Primroses



None yet
Reply:Just the daffodils although I did notice a few snowdrops (the flowers) on my walk today
Reply:Anemones, Primulas, Daffodils, Crown Imperial Lilly, Magnolia and another pretty pale blue flower but I cant remember the name of it. !! (in Ireland by the way).
Reply:Depending on your location, any bulb plants are starting to show there greens but the smaller varietys are the hardiest should be starting to show color now.
Reply:I don't have a garden :(
Reply:snowdrops at the mo daffs violas Pansy's Camellia rhododendron forsythia
Reply:Kent is the garden of England and we have magnolia and ornamental cherry just coming into bloom and we still have lots of daffodils, narcissus, primula and primroses to enjoy. In my own garden I have purple, white and burgundy pansies, miniature daffs, viburnam with lots of little pink flower heads, sweet smelling daphne and an evergreen clematis with little star-shaped white flowers all in bloom. Lovely!
Reply:Got some primulas,heathers are flowering nicely but not a lot else happening except the basil on my back door is starting to flower!!I live on the south west coast of Scotland.
Reply:Californian poppies and daffodils
Reply:The snow hasn't totally melted here in southern Ontario but, I just noticed this morning that, the iris are sending up their leaves. HURRAY!!!

The Muse
Reply:There are none yet! But the crocus are sprouting up!
Reply:none there is still snow on the ground here in vermont and more snow on the way tomorrow .nice spring we are having.
Reply:Im in northern Il. and i have crocus up hope this helps.
Reply:None i still have between 4 and 6 feet of snow....

We had record high of snow in Ottawa, Ontario!

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