Saturday, May 22, 2010

How do I stop cats from fouling in my flower garden.?

They are digging up all my bulbs and plants, I don`t want to hurt the cats but they are driving me mental....

Ive tried pepper spray.`

Plz help...

How do I stop cats from fouling in my flower garden.?
Orange peel is a deterent

(legally with a 'Super-soaker' type water gun. It's fun and works!

Do not just wet them soak them and chase them out of your garden. They learn eventually.

Watch the wild birds return to your garden. when the cats have gone.
Reply:Sprinkle some pickle juice on the spot. They hate it.
Reply:Buy a big mouse with tattoo's and a shaved head to patrol your garden, or hide the spades that will stop the lil pests!
Reply:Try crunched up mothballs.
Reply:My mum had this problem and tried everything from plants to pellets made from lion poo. The thing which has finally worked is an electrical device which goes in the garden and has sensors. When a cat comes into the garden it emits a high pitched noise which only cats can hear - they hate it and leave the area. It's worked for my mum after years of cats destroying her garden.
Reply:Try a shotgun or a stun gun. Remember, a squashed cat is a great cat!!! Alternatively you could buy a cat deterrent from a garden centre, or ask a vet (they should know what works).
Reply:why dont you try cataway you can get it from most garden centers or failing that just get a dog
Reply:Dig up another area specifically for them. They love pooing in freshly dug earth! If they are your cats so it's your job to provide them space to poop. Try planting rosemary or lavender where you don't want them to go. Or bottles of water in different areas, I don't know what this does but my neighbour does it!
Reply:Get yourself a big Abysinnian boy cat! He won't allow another cat (or dog) anywhere near his territory - ours has been seen chasing large dogs up the road for daring to put their paws on His front drive.

The neighbours called him "The Pit Bull Terror Cat"!

I always told them to chuck a saucepan of water over him if he was a pest in anyway. Loved him to bits. R.I.P.

Otherwise - have you tried "Scoot", hose pipe, any strong smell like moth balls and orange peel around your plants?
Reply:they is a specail high pitch whisle thing that you can leave on during the day diy shops should sell them
Reply:Insult them. Cats hate being made fun of. Seriously. They are curious, but not curious about what others think about them.



I have the same problem with the neighbour's two cats using our garden and gravel as their own personal toilet and bird larder! I can't do anything in the garden any more without my rubber gloves on.

If you have a gateway or driveway entrance that they come through - Jeyes Fluid in water poured across the entrance. It smells strongly and they really don't like it. It will get diluted when it rains, which it does here in Scotland a lot, but you just go out with another bucket full.

Drawback is that Jeyes Fluid 300ml is not that cheap.

There is also a plant called Scardy Cat or Coleus canina Hybr. It emits a smell that they don't like. The plant likes sunny to partial shade, it tolerates dryness, but you can water it a little. The plant is more efficient if the leaves are dry. Unfortunately it is not hardy and at a cost of £2.50 - £3 per plant it could work out quite expensive.

Good luck.
Reply:Get a squirty bottle and spray water at them. Put pop bottles with water in around ur garden and also orange peel, they hate anything which smells of citrus!
Reply:Orange, lion dung and water pistols might deter them. Annoying the cat might make the problem worse, it depends on the cat.

I also found planting some coleus canina works well over the summer/autumn months. Thompson and Morgan do an attractive verrigated variety. It isn't frost hardy, but its very easy to propergated from clippings and over-winter some indoors.

The cat may not be you're only culprit. Squirrels and magpies may be digging away while you're not looking as well.
Reply:Orange peel

Clear pop bottles with water in (sounds crazy but is supposed to work)
Reply:I use ground cayenne pepper. I sprinkle it on the plants and mulch. It will not harm plants (even if it gets directly on them or washes into the soil). It will not harm cats; they get a snootful of this "hot" substance and go away. I have 9 cats and that's how I keep them away from my plants.
Reply:I put orange peel around the garden and that seems to work for a while, but my best deterrent is the fact i have my own cat now so i don't seem to get anyone else's
Reply:I had this problem with cats going on the gravel part of my garden. I bought these green beads to sprinkle over the area designed to stop cats, can't remember what it's called, think it was "get off". Have a look around your local pet shop. It worked well, and the cats haven't been back since!

Good luck!
Reply:There is a product called "shake away". It's made from predatory animal urine and if completely safe for pets, children, and plants. You can get it for just about any animal that plagues your garden. Check it out here on Amazon.
Reply:bottles of water.... they dont like them for some reason
Reply:There is a product you can get from which is called Silent Roar. Its dried lion poo. Basically the idea is a little cat comes along, smells the poo of a big cat and does a runner. I had a mate that bought this and seemed quite pleased with the results, the cats in his garden shot off at the merest whiff. I don' t think its too expensive either.

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