Monday, May 17, 2010

What kind of mulch should I use in my flower garden?

I live in an area that is prone to black widow spiders. My MIL says I need to stay away from the bark mulches because black widows tend to like hanging out in damp, woody places. I want to know if putting bark mulch in my garden would attract black widows, and if so, what other mulches could I use instead.

What kind of mulch should I use in my flower garden?
I use cypress mulch and also have a problem w/ black widows. I've never seen one under my mulch, the black widows at my house tend to hide under the wood trim by the porches.
Reply:Certainly the larger mulches would, as it would give the spiders a lot of space to hide, but the smaller (hemlock) mulches are finer, and do a fine job of keeping the soil moist without allowing a lot of room for anything but burrowing insects.

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