Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why would a flower garden be a likely place to see a toad?

any details you can give about where toads hang out.

Why would a flower garden be a likely place to see a toad?
If you can lure a toad into your garden, it will consume insects by the hundreds. Cutworms, grubs, rose beetles, caterpillars, ants, sow bugs, moths, mosquitoes and flies.Provide them with water and a cool place to hide in. One can buy special toad houses out of clay. You can also use an upside-down clay pot. In the winter they bury themselves in the ground and hibernate. Consider yourself lucky when a toad chooses your garden as a home.
Reply:its a moist and soft place.
Reply:Toads eat bugs, and they find coolness beneath the leaves.
Reply:I think they often eat the slugs and other pests that are attracted to the plants.
Reply:as long as the flower garden can provide shade, moisture and sources of food, then yes, its a very likely place to find a toad. you could provide these yourself with a shallow bowl of water sunk into the earth (in the shade) and some kind of shelter--an inverted clay pot with a piece removed for the entrance. as long as you have a variety of flowering plants and shrubs, there should be an abundance of food for the toad.
Reply:because frogs or toads like the envirorment that has flowers and dirt which is good hiding places for them from pretetors

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