Monday, May 17, 2010

How do I keep my dogs from digging in my flower garden?

There is a picket fence around the garden but the dog are small enough to fit through it. What will repel them? Mothballs don't work.

How do I keep my dogs from digging in my flower garden?
Sprinkle dried coffee grounds around the plants, good for the plants, but dogs seem to want to travel elsewhere for digging
Reply:Chicken wire may do the trick. Of course they may be big enough that they can topple the chicken wire. Try building a box around your flowers that's tall enough to keep them out.
Reply:Could it depend on the breed of dog ? My front yard -chain linked- and electrified- has been "landscaped " by two Great Pyrenees for 8 years. They are of the ones who dig fox holes summer and winter, sometimes yo will only see a nose or ears sticking out of the snow !

Electric fencing works just great also-the dogs learn very quickly where not to touch. For breeds such as the Prys ,who use double dew-claws to climb even 6 ft. fencing

it is essential.
Reply:.410 double-barrel loaded with rock salt.
Reply:electric fence. or collar that shocks them.

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