Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where do i start when gardening? planting flowers etc?

Im moving soon to a house with a large garden and i want to make the garden look pretty with flowers and trees etc, id like to plant some flowers, do some hanging baskets and window boxes, hedging etc, but i dont have a clue where to start as ive never done anything to do with gardening before, can anyone help please? thanks.

Where do i start when gardening? planting flowers etc?
Often the most neglected thing in the garden is the soil when this is the most important for without healthy soil you will not have healthy plants.

Before you even think about planting anything find out what type of soil you have.

Dig a few soil profiles around the garden. A soil profile is quite simply a small pit so you can see the depth of your topsoil and discover the type of subsoil you will be dealing with. It might be clay, sand and stone or even rock.

Test the soil to find out if you have acid, alkaline or neutral pH. You could spend lots of money on plants that will die because they cannot survive in your soil type.

I found a web page for you that explains all this without any technical jargon.


Check out the neighbourhood gardens and see what grows well.

Go to your garden centre / local nursery every 4 to 6 weeks and buy something in flower, that way you will get a continuation of interest throughout the growing season.

Most important of all, enjoy your garden.
Reply:Window boxes and hedging should be the easiest; however, it is getting late to plant hedges right now. You can wait to do those in the fall.

For this year, starting in late June, I would recommend doing the window boxes and hanging baskets. There should be some good sales on bedding plants right now and there are some easy ones to use.

For sunny locations, I suggest Moss Rose (or Rose-Moss, Portulaca grandiflora) is good for planting in boxes, for partially sunny to partially shady, zonal geraniums (pelargoniums) and marigolds are a good choice. For shady spots, Impatiens and Fuchsias are a pretty good choices.

These are all annuals in cold climates, so they are good plants to start out with. They tend to be pretty tough, but it will give you a chance to learn how to take care of them. Learning how to water just right is probably the biggest thing you want to learn to do.

Keep in mind that it is usually over-watering that kills more than underwatering. On the window boxes and hanging baskets, remember that if they are plastic, make sure they have open drain holes. Some don't at all, others require you remove a plastic plug so they will drain. If there isn't any at all, drill a hole or drive a nail in and pull it out.

The trick is to not let the soil dry out completely, but not leave it sopping wet either. It should all be moist to the touch after you water and just dryish without being dusty when it's time to water again (this varies, but for most plants you'd find out in front of a grocery store or in the garden department at a big retailer this will hold true). I find that watering once per week when it's cool (under 80) and twice per week when it's warm (80-90) and every other day when it's hot (more than 90) usually keeps things about right moisture-wise.

Next year, try to get started around March on planting some perennials. You'll have all winter to read up. If you want to start in February, you can also start seeds indoors.

When you get around to starting garden beds, a good way to convert lawn to garden bed is to mow the area on your mowers lowest setting, lay down newspaper at least six pages thick and cover it with bark mulch or compost. Do this in the fall or very early in the the spring. This will kill off the grass and by time the newspaper and the mulch start breaking down nicely, the bed is ready to be planted.

Good luck.

P.S. I'm guessing Helly doesn't live in Maine or North Dakota based on her comments. Certain seeds can still be planted in certain places. You could probably still get a good zinnia blooms by August if you planted now. Giving gardening advice is difficult if you don't give your general location. So in the future when you ask a garden question on Yahoo, try to let everyone where you are gardening. We can be much more helpful to you if you do that.

I moved into a house that just had lawn, I started by making mowing the lawnd and then giveing it a shape, putting curves by digging into it, then I put a brick border around the edge so it the grass would not expand into my borders.

I then started on the fence around the garden, as you do not want to do the garden then have to dig plants out to put a fence. Once this has been done, move on to plants that grow on a yearly basis not ones that grow just the first year then die.

Try and put the tallest at the back and the small ones at the frount, its too late to plant seeds, Try and look for plants that grow ad different times as well, so you can have flowers all year round, The following year try and grow seeds, the easist seeds to grow are lupins, if you go to Thompson and Morgan website they have a picture of the seeds and how tall and colour

Hope this helps

Do not put plants that spread or vine type plants as they are difficult to control
Reply:After you get your area landscaped,keep in mind your average highs and lows of temperature. That will narrow down some possibilities. Planting instructions all are based on a zone of the U.S. Found on seed pack or Info.tags joined to the plant.Some flowers that work for me are Magnolias because mosquitoes dislike the them.I plant alot of night blooming plants because it is cool enough to set out and enjoy them. Fruit Tress are logical, find the best for your area.
Reply:Firstly you need to weed and cut the lawn and get rid of any dead growth. If you can bear it ,it is best if you can wait a full year to do anything else with the garden then you can see what is already in it as the flowering time comes round and you do really need to be able to find out where there are any bulbs.
Reply:Remove any weeds and trim the grass first. This will help it look neat. Plant hedge next followed by any seeds/ flowers you like. Baskets etc can be done whenever you like esp if you have a greenhouse.
Reply:buy some garden tools first

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