Sunday, November 15, 2009

I have no clue how to garden. i would like to plant some pretty flowers and plants in my small front yard.?

what kind of flowers are low maintainence and really pretty. how do i get started?

I have no clue how to garden. i would like to plant some pretty flowers and plants in my small front yard.?
Annuals and perennials both like elevated beds with good soil. This is your first priority. Remove weeds, chop and turn soil, add soil conditioners you buy at nursery (IE compost, peat moss, etc), and chop it thoroughly through. Rake bed into shape with 6" to 8" above other soil. You can even grade the back higher for a big presentation. Plant slightly closer than recommended, and apply mulch on top of soil. Very important, because it keeps soil from eroding and/or drying out. For flowers I use pine bark mini nuggets. Dark color provides natural look and good contrast.

Not knowing where you are at, it is hard to know what to recommend. Ask a local nursery. Check into my favorites...


Stella De Oro day lilies - very tough with gold bloom all summer.

Sedum - lots of kinds, I like Autumn Joy which gets 12" tall and flower looks like pink broccoli head. No kidding. Extremely easy to grow, and drought tolerant. Some sedums get only 3" tall.


Nothing beats the Wave petunia. Not just any petunia. Waves are more expensive but worth it. They grow and bloom like crazy even in the heat.

Where I live it is too late to plant. Wait until weather cools down to plant perennials. Only annuals for cool weather is the pansy and snapdragon. The pansy can even take some snow, but dies in the heat of summer. We use ornamental cabbage and kale mixed with and behind pansies for big display. Good luck.
Reply:Flowers and herbs are easy to plant if you have seeds, throw them right away in the garden or pot.

Pretty flowers such as Petunia, dahlia and Zinnia has a unique feature. The easiest and fastest is Sunflower but need full sun to grow.

Have more info here on how to start planting from seeds.
Reply:Usually whatever is for sale in your region will grow...thats why they sell stuff that grows where you live. I like Asylum..not sure thats how you spell it. That stuff looks cool when it gets a chance to grow. You know you have to dig a small hole and fill it with the plant and some potting soil right?
Reply:I had many plants in my front yard and I was working out there often...this year I bought some annuals and some perennials and put them in pots (you can use cheap plastic pots) and place them wherever you want. The thing I like about the pots is that if it's a real hot year you can move them around...same if it's a rainy summer you can place them in sun and let them dry out. You can put them on a porch, try them in different spots to see how they look, try different types of plants each year and they add beauty all over. As you take care of your plants you will learn about different types of aphids, slugs, worms that invade plants. When you feel you have enough knowledge where you're comfortable then begin planting in the ground. Good's a lot of work but a wonderful reward. Buy a book to begin learning about the plants you have, what colors recede or pop right out, all different things.

Marigolds are easy. If you decide to plant any bulbs for tulips or such you should know that they have a top and bottom and if you plant them wrong they won't grow up to where you will see them. Hostas are very nice plants but they attract slugs,

Look at the flowers that grow wild in your area, they would be a good place to start because they survive without any help from us.
Reply:Most flowers are low maintenance. Just turn over the dirt where you want your flowers to grow. Then buy some plants at Walmart or a garden shop. Start with annuals. Plant them in your little garden. Water them every few days and keep the weeds out. It is a lot of fun and flowers look great. Buy a book at the garden center.
Reply:it matters where you live so I cannot give specific advice on what plants,but i can tell you how to get started. first there are two basic types annual and perennial(one season or every year they come back). Annuals are no maintenance other than a little fertilizer and water. perennials need to be cut to the ground at the end of season and will need more fertilization ether way you will need decent soil and that can bee made if you do not have good soil.just add some compost, peat moss to your soil and mix it together. annuals are easy just put them in the ground and water and keep watering all season, when they die just remove them and throw away.

but the best source of planting guides are the people at your local nursery
Reply:well im no expert but i've helped peaple plant before.what we normally do is add water let it soak in for a while unless it is already soft.then you need to dig about 5in. and keep on turning the soil untill soft then plant it and water it a little.

Perfect semi formal makeup

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