Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Does anyone know a home remedy to repell cats from a garden/flower bed?

I need to know a home remedey to repell cats from flower beds and/or gardens. Thanx

Does anyone know a home remedy to repell cats from a garden/flower bed?
This works on cats chewing houseplants...I dont know how hard it would be in a garden or if the cats are chewing or poohing in yours.You can take hot sauce mixed with water and brush over the leaves..It wont hurt them but will bother the cats...maybe that would be enough to keep them out of the dirt as well?
Reply:orange rinds, cayenne pepper
Reply:There is a product called NO NO in the pet stores. Pet Smart
Reply:moth balls are said to.
Reply:grow some cat grass for them they should leave the other plants alone.
Reply:vinegar repels cats
Reply:Ask your vet and they'll probably be able to help you figure out what to use and or do.
Reply:you can grow wheatgrass, which is a plant cats can eat. but they might not eat it because they only eat your plants to piss you off.
Reply:I don't know a home remedy...but I do know that stores sell things that repel cats. Also, kitties don't like strong smells....that's why they tell you to put vinegar around your x-mas tree.
Reply:Take a squirt bottle and everytime she goes near it squirt her with it. And tell her no.
Reply:12 gage 00 buck shot works best

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