Saturday, November 19, 2011

What flowers can I plant to discourage flies from my garden?

I am about to plant some window boxes and was wondering if there are any flowers or herbs that flies dislike and therefore would discourage from coming near the window boxes and therefore the house. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.

What flowers can I plant to discourage flies from my garden?
Marigolds usually r best
Reply:Just limit the amount of crap and dead animals in your window boxes.

Flies generally like rotting meat and feaces however they may go near flowers. in the old days, people used herbs like rosemary and sage to rid disease from the streets.. maybe flies arent too keen on that.
Reply:This might be caused by aphids. They are small soft-bodied insects that usually brown, green or red. Often clustered under leaves and flower buds, they suck plant juices from tender buds. Malathion or diazinon spray may help roses to survive these bugs.
Reply:venus fly traps!

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